
Systems Design

When I design a landscape lighting system I like to go through the whole landscape and mark down each landscape feature. That includes trees, bushes, walkways, decor, and structures. Those are the things that I will typically light up by choosing from a wide range of different types of landscape lights. I create a rough draft of the system making a drawing. I then locate the best spot for a transformer. After that I then mark out where the hubs should be located and which lights they should correspond to. Then notate the distances of wire to each corresponding to light to it’s hub, and from each hub to the transformer. After that using calculations based on the type and wattage of the transformer, I determine the right gauge of landscape lighting cable to use. With that plan and drawing in hand I make my materials list, purchase the materials, and install the system based on my know-how and experience. I make every effort to preserve the landscape by neatly cutting into the sod, avoiding sensitive root systems, and raking back mulch and bed coverings before disturbing the soil. Landscape lighting cable does not need to be buried very deep. But there’s a good clean way to do it and a sloppy way to do it. I put care into each of my connections using waterproof silicone filled wire nuts and then taping off each one for further protection. I also test voltages at various distances to make sure that the voltage is within a good range when it reaches the various landscape lights. All-in-all I put time, care, and consideration into each install I do.

User Input

I’m very willing and able to take your design choices and implement those into whatever configuration you desire. While I possess the ability to come up with my designs. My primary goal is to give the customer what the want. If what’s important to you is to light up one specific tree and not another that is your prerogative and I have no problem helping you achieve that goal. And it also may be the case that you want to start a system and add to it later, but just don’t know which design path you want to take yet. That is fine as well.