Upgrades & Additions

You may already have an existing landscape lighting system but want to expand it. That’s great and I’m here to help. It is a certainly attainable goal to expand an existing system.

Transformer Upgrade

If your wattage on your existing transformer is already maxed out. It may be a good idea to go ahead and upgrade to a newer transformer with more wattage. Some new transformers might even have some features that may interest you as well. Some of the newer transformers have the ability to connect to your smart devices via bluetooth or wi-fi, giving you additional control over the system that was never available before.

Additional Tranformers

In many situations the better option to do is to actually add an additional transformer rather than upgrading the one you have. An example would be, that you already have your front yard lit up to your hearts content but would like to now light up your backyard. Well, in this situation it would actually be better to add a new transformer that’s located physically closer to the lights. There are many reasons for this. Besides just the aspect of simplicity in wiring, it is a good idea to have shorter runs of wire to your landscape lights. That is because the further distance you run your wire, the more voltage drop there is, and thus the larger gauge wire you need, and the higher the cost. Also there can be constraints on how far you can actually run wire at certain voltages.

Light Upgrade

But what about changing your old light fixtures to new ones? This is certainly doable as well. And this is especially a good idea if you are using the old halogen lights that require frequent replacement and soak up a lot of wattage, with brand new LED landscape lights. LED is pretty much the way to go now, especially LED bulbs used in high-quality fixtures. You can get a much reduced wattage-usage and thus actually have more room to add additional lights in that way as well.

Additional Lights

In many cases, when the transformer is not an issue, I can simply add onto your existing wiring and add more lights. When this is feasible it is absolutely no problem to do so, and can be a very convenient option.